50th Avenue Reconstruction

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The reconstruction of 50th Avenue, east from 50th Street to Beckett Road, was identified as an important infrastructure project by Town Council as part of the 2023 capital budget.

The project has been budgeted at $5.5 million, 55% of this will be funded through provincial grants. The Town will continue to pursue other grant opportunities to further reduce costs to the Town.

The project will be completed in two phases over two years and includes several elements that will improve road conditions, overland drainage and flow, and increase both traffic and pedestrian safety at key intersections.

The scope of work is extensive and will require occasional disruptions and detours for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. As the project gets underway, we will keep the public updated and informed on any scheduled and anticipated impacts.

The Town undertook a tender process to receive competitive bids from qualified contractors to complete this work. The work was awarded to Border Paving.

PHASE II: 2024 Construction Season

50th Avenue, west leg 47 Street to Beckett Road
Bio-Swale: 43 Street (provisional, cost dependent)
Bio-Swale: East side of St. Anthony's School (provisional, cost dependent)

  • Asphalt Paving and Road Reconstruction
    • The road structure will be rebuilt to provide a proper base and asphalt surfaces to last 20-25 years
    • Roadway will be reduced from 14.5m to 12.8m as a traffic calming and cost saving measure. This will still provide two highway width driving lanes, and will accommodate parking on both sides of the road
    • Consultants are recommending that layby parking areas in front of the St. Anthony's Church be removed and the road reconfigured to accommodate storm draining and enhance traffic flows. These areas will be replaced with rolled curbs and para-ramps to allow for regular church functions and activities to continue and will allow for accessible access to these buildings.
    • Traffic calming infrastructure will be installed in the form of cement boulevards at the intersections of 50th Avenue and 47 Street and 50th Avenue and 49th Street

50t Ave and 47 St Intersection
Removal of the layby parking area in front of St. Anthony's Church and create a concrete boulevard along the parking zone in front of the church and a roll face curb and para-ramp to allow for better access.

  • Rain Gardens(water drainage management)
    • Rain Gardens will be installed on 50th Avenue at the 45 Street and at the 43 Street intersections
    • The installation of rain gardens will manage water drainage and flow more effectively

Rain Garden (indicated in green)
on 43 Street and 50th Avenue
(St. Anthony's School intersection)
Rain Garden (indicated in green) on 45th Street and 50th Avenue

  • Replacement of Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks
    • Remove & Replace sidewalks where necessary along the south side of 50th Avenue between 44 St & 43 St and 43 St & Beckett Rd
    • Remove & Replace sidewalks where necessary along south side of 50th Avenue between 45 St & 44 St
    • No other sidewalk replacements are proposed west of 45 Street due to the cost versus benefit comparison of replacing separate sidewalk where established boulevard trees are present
    • New curbs and gutters will be installed where needed to allow for better water flow
  • Landscaping
    • 5 trees will be removed to accommodate new road configurations
  • Traffic Calming Pilot Project: Temporary “Pilot” Curbs with Provisional Permanent Islands
    A phased approach to implement traffic calming islands and traffic calming curbs at select locations, such as crosswalks on 50th Avenue.
    • These will help increase safety in the the area, reduce speeding and increase pedestrian safety
      Example of temporary traffic calming islands

Bio-Swale on 43rd Street (provisional)

Bio-Swale (indicated by yellow lines)
East side of St. Anthony's School (provisional)


50th Avenue, east leg of 50th Street to East Leg 48 Street

  • Asphalt Paving and Road Reconstruction
    • The road structure will be rebuilt to provide a proper base and asphalt surfaces to last 20-25 years
    • Layby parking area in front of the Church of God will be widened further to increase accessible parking
    • Roadway will be reduced from 14.5m to 12.8m as a traffic calming and cost saving measure. This will still provide two highway width driving lanes, and will accommodate parking on both sides of the road
  • Replacement of Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks
    • No other sidewalk replacements are proposed east of 45 Street unless necessary due to the cost versus benefit comparison of replacing separate sidewalk where established boulevard trees are present
    • New curbs and gutters will be installed where needed to allow for better water flow
  • Underground Infrastructure Upgrades/Rehabilitation

Underground storm and wastewater infrastructure upgrades will be performed in the following areas

• Sanitary sewer crossing replacement in alleyway between 47th Street and 46th Street
• Sanitary sewer crossing replacement in alleyway between 46th Street and 45th Street
• Sanitary sewer replacement and storm sewer extension along 50th Avenue between 45th Street and 43rd Street
• Storm sewer upgrades at 50th Avenue and Beckett Road
• Main water valve replacements along the north side of 50th Avenue in multiple locations

The reconstruction of 50th Avenue, east from 50th Street to Beckett Road, was identified as an important infrastructure project by Town Council as part of the 2023 capital budget.

The project has been budgeted at $5.5 million, 55% of this will be funded through provincial grants. The Town will continue to pursue other grant opportunities to further reduce costs to the Town.

The project will be completed in two phases over two years and includes several elements that will improve road conditions, overland drainage and flow, and increase both traffic and pedestrian safety at key intersections.

The scope of work is extensive and will require occasional disruptions and detours for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. As the project gets underway, we will keep the public updated and informed on any scheduled and anticipated impacts.

The Town undertook a tender process to receive competitive bids from qualified contractors to complete this work. The work was awarded to Border Paving.

PHASE II: 2024 Construction Season

50th Avenue, west leg 47 Street to Beckett Road
Bio-Swale: 43 Street (provisional, cost dependent)
Bio-Swale: East side of St. Anthony's School (provisional, cost dependent)

  • Asphalt Paving and Road Reconstruction
    • The road structure will be rebuilt to provide a proper base and asphalt surfaces to last 20-25 years
    • Roadway will be reduced from 14.5m to 12.8m as a traffic calming and cost saving measure. This will still provide two highway width driving lanes, and will accommodate parking on both sides of the road
    • Consultants are recommending that layby parking areas in front of the St. Anthony's Church be removed and the road reconfigured to accommodate storm draining and enhance traffic flows. These areas will be replaced with rolled curbs and para-ramps to allow for regular church functions and activities to continue and will allow for accessible access to these buildings.
    • Traffic calming infrastructure will be installed in the form of cement boulevards at the intersections of 50th Avenue and 47 Street and 50th Avenue and 49th Street

50t Ave and 47 St Intersection
Removal of the layby parking area in front of St. Anthony's Church and create a concrete boulevard along the parking zone in front of the church and a roll face curb and para-ramp to allow for better access.

  • Rain Gardens(water drainage management)
    • Rain Gardens will be installed on 50th Avenue at the 45 Street and at the 43 Street intersections
    • The installation of rain gardens will manage water drainage and flow more effectively

Rain Garden (indicated in green)
on 43 Street and 50th Avenue
(St. Anthony's School intersection)
Rain Garden (indicated in green) on 45th Street and 50th Avenue

  • Replacement of Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks
    • Remove & Replace sidewalks where necessary along the south side of 50th Avenue between 44 St & 43 St and 43 St & Beckett Rd
    • Remove & Replace sidewalks where necessary along south side of 50th Avenue between 45 St & 44 St
    • No other sidewalk replacements are proposed west of 45 Street due to the cost versus benefit comparison of replacing separate sidewalk where established boulevard trees are present
    • New curbs and gutters will be installed where needed to allow for better water flow
  • Landscaping
    • 5 trees will be removed to accommodate new road configurations
  • Traffic Calming Pilot Project: Temporary “Pilot” Curbs with Provisional Permanent Islands
    A phased approach to implement traffic calming islands and traffic calming curbs at select locations, such as crosswalks on 50th Avenue.
    • These will help increase safety in the the area, reduce speeding and increase pedestrian safety
      Example of temporary traffic calming islands

Bio-Swale on 43rd Street (provisional)

Bio-Swale (indicated by yellow lines)
East side of St. Anthony's School (provisional)


50th Avenue, east leg of 50th Street to East Leg 48 Street

  • Asphalt Paving and Road Reconstruction
    • The road structure will be rebuilt to provide a proper base and asphalt surfaces to last 20-25 years
    • Layby parking area in front of the Church of God will be widened further to increase accessible parking
    • Roadway will be reduced from 14.5m to 12.8m as a traffic calming and cost saving measure. This will still provide two highway width driving lanes, and will accommodate parking on both sides of the road
  • Replacement of Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks
    • No other sidewalk replacements are proposed east of 45 Street unless necessary due to the cost versus benefit comparison of replacing separate sidewalk where established boulevard trees are present
    • New curbs and gutters will be installed where needed to allow for better water flow
  • Underground Infrastructure Upgrades/Rehabilitation

Underground storm and wastewater infrastructure upgrades will be performed in the following areas

• Sanitary sewer crossing replacement in alleyway between 47th Street and 46th Street
• Sanitary sewer crossing replacement in alleyway between 46th Street and 45th Street
• Sanitary sewer replacement and storm sewer extension along 50th Avenue between 45th Street and 43rd Street
• Storm sewer upgrades at 50th Avenue and Beckett Road
• Main water valve replacements along the north side of 50th Avenue in multiple locations

50th Avenue Reconstruction

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The 50th Avenue Reconstruction Project is a large capital project that will begin in 2023.  We understand that there may be some questions from the community as the project gets underway.  Leave your question below and a member of our team will respond!

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Page last updated: 29 May 2024, 11:33 AM